Meet Sapphire! This lil mama and her 10 all female 5 week old pups were pulled just in time from an overcrowded rural shelter. At barely 40lbs, Sapphire arrived emaciated, with mastitis and fever and she was STILL the sweetest to all people and dogs and still trying to care for her puppies. The next day the puppies began to fall ill with Parvo, unfortunately 4 passed. Though we were all heartbroken, we are so happy these 7 girls will get to live the life they deserve.
Sapphire is just a baby herself, around 1.5-2 years old. She is petite and needing to gain weight, her target is ~47lbs. She loves to play with all sized dogs. She can get a little too excited and be overwhelming for smaller dogs depending on their play style. She loves food and always the lady will take treats very gently from you. She knows sit and we are working on her outside manners. She mostly walks well on leash, but understandably, the outside world is new and she does do some alert barking that we are working on. She does respond well to correction so we feel these things will be resolved with time and training. She is crate trained and housebroken. Sapphire would do well as a second or single dog as she does love cuddling with her people and playing with lots of toys!
If you are interested in adopting this sweet girl, apply at